HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEI AB 070924 -Minutes City of Lansing DEI Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm 4th Floor, City Hall Lansing, MI
Call to Order: 5:44pm
Attendance: Amber Denney, Emily Sorroche, Randy Watkins, Raquel Sparkman, Florensio
City Staff Attendees: Kimberly Coleman, Michael Hopson, Amany William,
Approval of Agenda:
- Amber is still listed as Vice Chair, change listed to acting chairperson
- Emily motioned to approve agenda, Raquel 2nd. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
- Update the minutes to not reflect the public comment, list their names in the
attendance portion.
- Correct under justice and safety – remove 3rd bullet point
- Florensio motioned to approve the minutes with the corrections discussed, Randy
2nd, motion passed.
Public Comment:
- No public comment
- Randy followed up with all the members who spoke at the last DEI advisory meeting.
Director’s Update and DEI Officer’s Update:
- Kim has no updates, still working to will the 3 open seats on the DEI board. There are
applications for considerations.
- Michael shared a training for Shifting DEI Culture the city employees participated in,
83 people signed up for the training and 53 attended. The response to the training
was received positively.
- Thanked everyone for attending the DEI Celebration, over 150 people attended and
many people enjoyed the event.
- Parliamentary training is coming up on July 25th, please sign up for the training with
the QR code.
- Marketing events, the DEI Board doesn’t have a budget and we need to follow the
process indicated in the handout provided.
- The request for marketing needs to be reviewed and approved, doesn’t guarantee
- On the proposal form, as a standardized process this will be for this board only. The
proposed budget for an item/survey/ad request needs to be detailed, where is the
money going and being used for, what value will this bring are the details needed.
- Kim would like to meet with subcommittees to discuss further in detail as requests
are submitted to ensure everyone is on the same page.
- Randy mentioned there was an agreement made about the city ordinances that
would be given to the chair, then chair decides which subcommittee reviews based
on the subject matter of the item. Then the subcommittee would bring their
thoughts to the DEI Advisory board to listen and discuss.
o It was suggested everyone on the board may want to review the ordinance
together, as interpretation may differ between members
o It was recommended to review the human rights ordinance over the following
month, make recommendations and/or ask for clarification, by the August
Meeting. The ordinance will be on the August agenda.
Standing/Themes Committee Reports:
- Justice and Safety Committee
o Amber and Randy drafted a survey and is submitting copies for
o The survey would go out to all City of Lansing, there will need to be a budget
for this request as well. There will need to be a report developed with the
results and dissemination of information.
o Proposed budget worksheet Randy presented to the board and was in the
packed Michael passed out. Randy will discuss further at the next meeting.
o The major was invited to our next DEI Advisory meeting by Randy.
o Randy makes a recommendation to forward this survey to HRCS Director for
further discussion. Florensio 2nds
Florensio mentioned in discussion this process will inform other
subcommittees how to do the survey process.
Motion passed.
- Economic Empowerment
o BIPOC business toolkit, BIPOC Directory and climate survey, Florensio will
complete the form for the proposal.
o Question if there was any consideration to work with the EDP, they have a few
BIPOC programs that they may have a toolkit and provide suggestions.
Florensio shared resources with LEAP in email.
- Community Sustainability
o Raquel is planning a town hall, partnering with resolution services and will
need to determine the topic. Raquel will be planning with HRCS together
what the topic will be.
Old Business:
New Business:
Old Business, New Business and Announcements were tabled to the next meeting as time
ran out.
Adjournment: 6:47pm