HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes June 18thMinutes for the City of Lansing Charter Commission Regular Meeting | June 18, 2024 Tony Benavides City Council Chambers Lansing City Hall, 10th floor, 124 W. Michigan Ave. Present: Commissioners Adams Simon, Anderson, Bauer, Boyd, Jeffries, Qawwee, Washington Absent: Commissioners Dowd, Lopez (Excused) Staff Present: Deputy Clerks Lemaster, Drever Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeffries at 6:30 PM. Deputy Clerk Lemaster called the roll of the Commission. A quorum was present. Adopt the Agenda Moved by Commissioner Bauer to adopt the agenda. Moved by Chair Jeffries to amend the agenda to add Legal Counsel RFP as item d. under Unfinished Business. Motion carried. Motion carried. Public Comment Nicklas Zande spoke about Stakeholders, the proposed Charter review process, and the composition of City Council. Julie VandenBoom spoke about Commissioners’ community engagement and suggested a list of community stakeholders. Heath Lowry spoke about the Community Meetings Plan. Ryan Kost spoke about the structure and rules of Commission meetings. Melissa Horste spoke about public participation. Norma Bauer spoke about the Model City Charter. Fred McLoughlin spoke about accessibility of meetings for members of the public. Farhan Sheikh Omar spoke about transparency in City leadership. Approval of Minutes Moved by Commissioner Qawwee to approve the minutes of June 4th, 2024 as presented. Motion Carried. Officer Reports Chair Chair Jeffries spoke about the proposed rules change for public comment, which will be on the next agenda. He also spoke about the process to submit items to the agenda. Vice-Chair Vice Chair Adams Simon spoke about respect and grace in the Commission’s work. Clerk Deputy Clerk Lemaster acknowledged the written communications included in the packet and asked Commissioners to submit their headshot and bio for the website. Unfinished Business Community Meeting Plan Moved by Commissioner Qawwee to adopt Plan A. Amended by Commissioner Qawwee to move forward with plan A with scheduling adjustments as necessary. Motion Carried. Motion Carried. Proposed Charter Review Process Moved by Commissioner Boyd to approve the Review Timeline. Motion Carried. Moved by Commissioner Bauer to approve the Article Discussion Plan. Motion Carried. Stakeholder Presentations Plan Moved by Commissioner Qawwee to approve the draft as written. Motion Carried. Moved by Commissioner Boyd to approve the draft postcard. Moved by Commissioner Qawwee to table the postcard to the next meeting. Motion Carried. Legal Counsel RFP Moved by Commissioner Washington to hold a special Committee of the Whole meeting to review the Legal Counsel RFP. Motion carried. New Business Facebook Page Moved by Commissioner Boyd to approve the policy. Moved by Commissioner Qawwee to amend the policy to allow comments, and to inform members that to get a response, they should email the Commission. Motion carried. Moved by Commissioner Qawwee to amend rule 4 to add “needed”. Motion carried. Motion carried. Commissioner Remarks Commissioner Washington explained that she is having a connectivity issue with technology. Commissioner Boyd encouraged members of the public to speak about the changes to the public comment rules. Vice-Chair Adams Simon encouraged everyone to email chartercommission@lansingmi.gov to get in touch with all commissioners. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Chair Jeffries at 8:03 PM.