HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober minutesPARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOSTER COMMUNITY CENTER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2024 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Kibbey, Kimberly Whitfield, Nate Scramlin, Isaac Francisco, Joan Lenhard, Tirstan Walters, Ravynne Gilmore BOARD MEMBERS EXCUSED: Mike Dombrowski CALL TO ORDER: 6:32 P.M. Foster Community Center I.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA II.BOARD MEETING MINUTES A.September 11, 2024, Kibbey moved, Francisco Seconded, passed unanimously III.NEW BUSINESS A. Archery Program: The board of the nonprofit that supports the Archery Program made a presentation. Their mission is to train those interested in archery and train archery coaches. They teach the same program at the Lansing Parks & Rec at Letts that is taught to Olympians. Looking to create an adaptive archery program for those who are disabled. They have two 10-week programs from basic to advanced and tailor the program to the individual archer. The program has trained several state champions. They provide equipment for those that are unable to bring the equipment and have provided scholarships for competitive equipment. They are looking for continued support and may need new archery bails that are used B. Millage Resolution to recommend to council to add the Parks and Recreation Millage Renewal to the August 5th 2025 ballot. Walters moved as amended, Kibbey seconded. Passed unanimously. C. Dunneback Playground Equipment (slide ages 5-12) 3 options for slides will be presented to the Old Oakland Neighborhood association for consideration. D. Michigan Waterways Stewards Letters: Walters moved and Whitfield seconded a motion to send letters of gratitude to the following: 1. State of Michigan Departments and Agencies 2. Everstream 3. MSU Rotaract 4. Franklin Energy E. West Lansing Trail – MMMBA has asked to start Wednesday Nights Lights events until 10PM. IV.OLD BUSINESS V.UPDATES A. Ranney Skate Park – Shade sail has been installed. The benches, trashcans, and drinking fountains have been ordered. B. Master Plan due 2/1/26. Questions on for the survey should be presented on the November. C. Parks Millage Renewal – Ballot August 2025 D. Stabenow Park has been dedicated; the Senator was in attendance of the rededication ceremony. E. Clifford Park last week of October for a ribbon cutting for new pickleball courts. F. Moores Park continues to have construction work done and this work will continue through the winter. G. Fenner Nature Center has new pavement laid on the trail. H. There have been lines added to the pump track at Gier. I.A group is meeting to form a riverfront conservancy to bring events to the riverfront and activate those spaces. J.A grant was submitted to the DNR to replace the deck at Frances park shoreline lot. K. Several weeks ago there was a fishkill at Tecumseh Park. 2 and a half cubic yards of dead fish were removed and were composted by Hammond Farms. The source of the contamination seems to be coming from a detergent spilled in the area of the Reynolds Drain. L. A deer was found in the area of Porter Park and Bankroft Park that had been shot by an arrow. The DNR confiscated the deer and the meat was donated to a shelter. M. The Drain Commissioner Lindeman has invited the Park Board to view the project at Ranney Park. VI.CORRESPONDENCE VII.INFORMATION A. 2025 Meeting Schedule VIII.REMARKS BY BOARD MEMBERS Joan Lenhard was thankful for Irene checking on the trees. Kimberly Whitfield asked if the department will have a float in the Silver Bells, the director confirmed there would not. Tirstan Walters asked the director if there were any possible parks for an archery course, confirmed there were. Tirstan requested to have the trash cans emptied at Beacon Park. Tirstan asked if the Fenner Path would disrupt the peaceful nature of the park, the director said it would not and the path helps connect this to the river trail which is part of the Master Plan. Ravynne Gilmore asked about the term lengths of the board Isaac Francisco asked how often the parks are scheduled to be mowed, the director confirmed that most parks are budgeted to be cut 27 times throughout the year. IX. STATEMENTS OF CITIZENS All meetings of the Park Board shall be open to the public. Those in attendance shall have the opportunity to speak on any issue related to parks and recreation services not otherwise on the agenda at the end of the meeting and may speak on any agenda issue during the meeting after park board members have had an opportunity to discuss the issue or prior to the board voting on the issue. The President may impose a time limit on public comments. Don Dean wanted to say that Hocus Pocus will be shown at Bankroft Park on October 11th at 7:15. Kim Ellenwood let us know that there is some water bubbling near the west trail of Bankroft Park Karen Reish stated that she and her husband started archery as an easy to enjoy activy and have enjoyed the program. Closed at 8:30