HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-25-2023 Human Relation and Community Services Minutes Meeting Summary 072523 FINAL
Attendance: Paul Dripchak, Ron Embry, Sean Gehle, Melissa Horste, Frank Lee, Jody Washington, Versey
Williams, and Thomas Woods
Staff: Kimberly A. Coleman, Renee Morgan Freeman, Delvata Moses, Daphine Whitfield, and Toni Young
Others: Amany Williams, OCA
The meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Chair Ron Embry.
R. Freeman conducted roll call. A quorum was established.
S. Gehle moved for approval of the agenda. Seconded by M. Horste. Motion carried.
S. Gehle moved to accept the meeting summary of June 26, 2023, which were advanced. Seconded by M.
Horste. Motion carried.
There was no public comment.
Director Coleman provided a report on HRCS staffing. The D.E.I. Officer position is vacant and will be
posted to be filled. In the interim, three consultants and support staff will address the needs of DEI. A DEI
retreat is scheduled for Monday, August 7th, which will address composing a plan of work. Delvata Moses
has been appointed as HRCS Deputy Director. She will continue to handle Police Commissioner matters until
the position has been filled. Two Contract Manager positions have also been posted. HRCS staff has been
discussing environmental culture to advance our internal agenda. DEI has approximately 30 persons
participating in the training, which has included affirmative action and micro-aggressions as topics.
Director Coleman and advisory board member, Melissa Horste, met with Rex LaMore and John Melcher of
MSU Center for Community and Economic Development. They engaged in a brainstorming conversation
focused on how the HRCS Advisory Board could structure an environmental scan/community assessment and
how to establish priorities. Coleman and Horste provided in-depth information on a variety of possibilities
which could be considered and possible approaches. Thereafter, the advisory board engaged in a lengthy
discussion in this regard.
Regarding the Race Equity Grant awarded to MPHI to conduct research in Wards 1 and 4 – a report will be
forthcoming. The next step is to compose an RFP for a race equity grant to be conducted in Wards 2 and 3.
A grant of $800,000 was received for the homeless shelter. At this time a budget is being composed, which
may carry over into additional years. No plans have been finalized but Letts Center is a site being considered,
with the goal to have something in place by November 2023 from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Director Coleman
asked Dr. Woods, Chair of Program Services, to be included in further discussions.
City of Lansing HRCS Advisory Board Meeting Summary
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Foster Community Center
200 N. Foster, Room 211, Lansing, MI
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Williams mentioned that there are drug and prostitution concerns in Ward Four which require attention.
Director Coleman stated that she will bring this to the attention of LPD Chief Sosebee.
Gehle extended an invitation (and an incentive) to advisory board members to serve on the Budget
Committee. Horste and Embry will complete the three members required for the Budget Committee. The
Program Committee, consisting of Woods, Washington and Lee will take a deep dive into the charter and
ordinance for program direction. Horste, Dripchak and Versey complete the Policy Committee.
Williams moved to accept the HRCS Advisory Board Slate of Officers: Ron Embry/Chair, Melissa
Horste/Vice Chair, and Paul Dripchak/Secretary. Gehle seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The
motion carried. Washington expressed thanks to those serving as officers.
Horste moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:53 p.m. Seconded by Williams.