HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-12-2023 Downtown lansing Inc, Board Meeting MinutesDowntown Lansing Inc. Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 12, 2023 Board Members Present: J. Es�ll, J. Durham, T. Carter, K. Dorshimer, JV Anderton, J. Hinze, J. Pugh, J. Flores. Board Advisors Present: Samantha Benson, Old Town Execu�ve Director and Patricia Spitzley, Lansing City Council Staff Present: Cathleen Edgerly, Shakayla Zoss, Julie Reinhart Guest: Tiny Bit of Wood MINUTES I. Call to Order: Mee�ng called to order at 11:30 a.m. by J. Es�ll II. Special Guests: Megan from Tiny Bit of Wood visited to talk about her new business space and handmade wood products that she will be selling downtown in 2024. III. Correspondence: None IV. Consent Agenda Approval: Karl moved to approve the consent agenda. JV seconded. MOTION PASSED unanimously. V. Samantha Benson Reported on Old Town updates: Sam introduced herself as the new Execu�ve Director of the OTCA. They now also have an AmeriCorps member also in office and welcomed 2 new board members Brianna and Karen. The Old Town Fall cleanup will take place Saturday. The OTCA’s Silver Gala will be held Saturday this week. Tickets are s�ll on sale! VI. Director’s Report: In addi�on to what’s included in the report in the Board packet, C. Edgerly updated the board on the upcoming council commitee mee�ng to discuss the proposed assessment resolu�on. S. Zoss shared the marke�ng report and holiday event plant. President’s Report: J. Es�ll shared how wonderful it has been to have Shakayla for being on board. VII. Ac�on/Discussion Items: Advent House Update: C. Edgerly reported previous approval on contribu�on and provided a background for new board members on how the collabora�ve agreement with the city was started. Out of 60k needed for the whole year, 30k is commited. Advent House will be coordina�ng a mee�ng with the City HRCS Dept. for funding remainder of contract, bringing on new partners, and repor�ng on work to date. Edward is main contact at Advent House. Discussion was held amongst the board regarding teams hours. C. Edgerly will share Edward’s contact informa�on with the full board in case you see assistance is needed. Comerica Grant: Tatse awarded last month $10k small business grant through DLI. C. Edgerly provided a brief background on how the Comerica Small Business Grant was started, 3 grants awarded to date. A press release has been sent out announcing the award and how it’s suppor�ng Tatse. Holiday Season Updates: a. TOTS: Shakayla reported 24 businesses signed up, ac�vi�es are planned. Volunteers needed. October 27th. b. Marke�ng guide: Shakayla reviewed the Marke�ng Guide with the board in the packet. c. Window Decora�ng: Julie and Jennie Hinze provided an update regarding the joint Old Town/Downtown and REO Town window decora�ng contest for the holiday season. d. Downtown Gi� Cards: J. Reinhardt provided an updated regarding this year’s Downtown Digital Gi� Card program with Yi�ee. The Commitee and project chair have been busy recrui�ng addi�onal business par�cipants and reviewed in merchant news and with businesses how to use and accept them. C. Edgerly shared that Consumers sponsored and matched funds in previous years and we had an anonymous sponsor last year. We are s�ll looking for a matching donor sponsor for this year. Gi� cards go on sale star�ng on Small Business Saturday this year. VII: Mo�on to Adjourn: Mo�on to adjourn at 12:07 p.m. Mo�on passed unanimously.