HomeMy WebLinkAbout04- 13- 23 Downtown lansing Inc, Board Meeting MiinutesDowntown Lansing Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2023
Members Present: J. Estill, T. Carter, J.V. Anderton, K. Dorshimer, J. Hinze
Members Absent: J. Tischler
Board Advisors Present: Patricia Spitzley
Board Advisors Absent: Robert Doran-Brockway
Staff Present: C. Edgerly, J. Reinhardt, J. Anderson
Guests Present: Hal King, Parking Manager
I. Call to Order: J. Estill called the meeting to order at 11:37 a.m.
II. Citizen’s Comments: None.
III. Correspondence: None.
IV. Special Guests: Hal King, the City of Lansing Parking Director spoke
regarding the parking study being done and the scope of services. There are
no immediate changes, but he and his department will work with DLI and their
existing research to focus on proper usage and changes. Study should be
complete at end of summer and a meeting will be scheduled.
V. Consent Agenda Approvals:
1. Agenda for April 13, 2023
2. Minutes from March 16, 2023
3. Committee Reports
4. Monthly Financials (budget by May, CMA report by June)
VI. Old Town Updates: Robert not present. J. Hinze reported committees
continue to meet and make progress. 6 trees were delivered to be planted.
VII. Reports:
Director Report: Cathleen Edgerly
C. Edgerly reported that DLI President, Ashlee Willis has resigned and J.
Estill is standing in as current VP.
Edgerly also provided an update and requested Board direction regarding
Right of Way permits and patio charges for 2023. Staff reported that they
have not charged for right of way usage since COVID first hit and patios have
started to be put up. Board discussion took place regarding charging for
2024, but at this time, since there have been no communications regarding
charges for 2023, there will be no charge through this calendar year.
VIII. Action/Discussion Items:
1. J. Estill and C. Edgerly reiterated that the 2023 State of Downtown will
happen at 5:30 pm. At the Knapp’s Centre. Since staff works so hard to
put this event together, and the evening focuses on the hard work for the
past year – its important that the board show up to support that work.
2. Humanitarian Needs Downtown and Advent House: A proposal was
shared from Advent House and the City. Discussion took place
surrounding work that needs to continue and expand. City needs to step
in and manage contract as well as businesses. P. Spitzley will discuss
with Mayor, as well as a few businesses who have reached out.
3. Board Resignations: Ashlee Willis has resigned due to the growth of her
business. Trevor Benoit has resigned as he will be joining DLI staff. Jim
Tischler’s term ends in June. There are currently 3 open seats on the DLI
Interim appointments were made through end of term:
a. Jenn Estill was nominated by J.V. Anderton as President. 2nd by J.
Hinze. Motion approved.
b. Jennifer Hinze was nominated by Tamera Carter as Secretary. 2nd by
J. Estill. Motion approved.
c. Discussion held on recruiting for open seats.
4. Branding RFP: (J. Estill recused herself)
Edgerly reported on proposals submitted and focus on using local talent
and local business. Board discussion took place regarding next steps. A
sub-committee will be formed to review proposals prior to May 4. Sub
committee will make recommendations for board vote at the May 4
meeting. Edgerly will email outlines and proposals and schedule meeting
date and time.
IX. Other New Business: None.
X. Adjourn: J. Estill, move to adjourn at 12:48. Second by K. Dorshimer.
Meeting adjourned at 12:48 pm.