HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-16-2023 Downtown lansing Inc, Board Meeting MinutesDowntown Lansing Inc. Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 16, 2023 Members Present: A. Willis, K. Dorshimer, J. Estill, T. Benoit, J.V. Anderton, J. Hinze Members Absent: T. Carter, J. Tischler Board Advisors Present: Robert Doran-Brockway (Zoom) Board Advisors Absent: Patricia Spitzley Staff Present: C. Edgerly, J. Reinhardt. Guests Present: None I. Call to Order: A. Willis called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. II. Citizen’s Comments: None III. Correspondence: Letter from Kositcheks The board discussed downtown parking issues sighted in the Kositchecks correspondence. IV. Special Guests: None this month. Parking Director Hal King to join us in April. V. Consent Agenda Approvals 1. Agenda for March 16, 2023 2. Minutes from February 9, 2023 3. Committee Reports 4. Monthly Financials - Jim Tischler 5. Motion to add close session to agenda. J.V. Anderton moved to approve Consent Agenda items, K. Dorshimer supported. motion passed. VI. Old Town Updates: Robert Doran-Brockway shared upcoming events and discussions happening with OTCA. Updates include a great deal of discussion regarding parking in Old Town. Robert has been gathering stakeholder feedback and engaging with the city. VII. Reports: Director Report: Cathleen Edgerly C. Edgerly reported on the end of Free Parking Friday and its impact on Downtown businesses and the city as well as the up coming city parking study. President’s Report: Ashlee Willis DLI has been cleared to add one additional board member. VIII. Action/Discussion Items 1. Conflict of Interest Policy C. Edgerly request that the members of the board sign the DLI conflict of interest policy. K. Dorshimer request the Executive Committee review parts of the language of the policy for next year. Downtown Lansing Inc. Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 16, 2023 2. State of Downtown Save the Date for Downtown Lansing Inc.’s State of Downtown Address. We plan on holding this annual address Thursday, April 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Knapps Building Doors open at 5:30 p.m. We would like to have 100% Board attendance. 3. Update on Humanitarian Needs Downtown Advent houses work has made improvements to the situation. Work still needs to be done with stakeholders to determine long term solution. 4. Conflict of Interest Resolution for Branding RFP Board discussion took place regarding suggested edits for Executive Committee to discuss for 2024 J.V. Anderton moved to adopt resolution #2023-01 as presented (Attachment 1) T. Benoit support motion passed. IX. Other New Business: None X. Closed Session Executive Direct Review (Attachment 2) The Board entered closed session to discuss a staff financial review. The Board approved an annual salary increase for Director Edgerly effective September 1, 2022 XI. Adjourn: A. Willis, move to adjourn at 12:35 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m. Downtown Lansing Inc. Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 16, 2023 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION #2023-01 BY THE DOWNTOWN LANSING INC. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RESOLVED BY THE DOWNTOWN LANSING INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, Downtown Lansing Inc. has Board members sign an annual conflict of interest form; and WHEREAS, recognizing that JEN ESTILL, Owner of Redhead Design Studio could have a conflict of interest with submitting a proposal or being involved in any way with the current DLI Rebrand RFP review and approval process. WHEREAS, the DLI Board met on February 9, 2023, to review the DLI Rebrand RFP to review for edits and approve for staff to post the RFP, and Jen Estill recused herself for the review and approval; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the Downtown Lansing Inc. Board of Directors, hereby, resolved that anytime discussion, review, or action is taken regarding the DLI Rebrand RFP and selection of an agency to conduct the rebrand, JEN ESTILL will be required to recuse herself and not be able to participate in any review, discussion, or action to remove. any conflict of interest. Downtown Lansing Inc. Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 16, 2023 Attachment 2 Closed Session Executive Director Review Members Present: A. Willis, K. Dorshimer, J. Estill, T. Benoit, J.V. Anderton, J. Hinze Members Absent: T. Carter, J. Tischler The board discussed the outstanding performance of Executive Director C. Edgerly. T. Benoit moved to approve a 6% salary increase for Executive Director Cathleen Edgerly, retroactive to September 1, 2022. J. Estill support motion passed.