316 N. Capitol Avenue, Suite C-2 Lansing, MI 48933-1238
(517) 483-4361 FAX: (517) 377-0100
Held at 316 N. Capitol Ave. at 6:00 pm,
June 22,2023
The June 22,2023 meeting of the City of Lansing Demolition Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by L. Puente.
The following members were in attendance:
STAFF PRESENT: Walter Allen, Lynne Puente
PUBLIC PRESENT: Elizabeth Abood Carroll, Daniel D’Haene, Heather Burt, Jeff Wilde, David &
Tawny Cerny, Curtis Kelly, Rahim Aikheil, Calvin McCluster, Eric Thompson,
Mark Slee, Alesa Flowers
OLD BUSINESS: Minutes from the May 25,2023 Demolition Board Meeting
Demolition board members Joe Vitale and Dave Muylle read the minutes from the May 25,2023 meeting Joe Vitale
made the motion to approve Dave Muylle seconded the motion.
Dave Muylle addressed the group that was present for the meeting he informed them that the demolition board
members do not work for the City of Lansing the representatives for the properties will provide their input to the
demolition board then they will make their ruling.
The owner of 619 W. Mt. Hope Ave asked if the board could please hear his case first as he has a time constraint,
the demolition board agreed to hear this case first.
Case No: D2023-012 Address: 619 W. Mt. Hope Ave.
W. Allen read the case overview sheet for the board. This property was tabled from the May 25,2023 meeting D.
Muylle addressed the owner and stated the board heard this case last month he asked Mr. D’Haene if he had any
updates for the board. The owner stated he came to the City of Lansing to check on taxes he still does not know the
full amount owed. Mr. D’Haene brought Bob Twenter who is a licensed builder & investor. Mr. Twenter addressed
the board and stated the structural is good they want to purchase the property, most of the damage resulted from
smoke. Mr. Twenter stated that they just came on board to the project two weeks ago. Mr. D’Haene and Mr.
Twenter asked the board if they could please table the property for another 30 days to allow them time to draft a
scope of work and timeline for the project. Mr. Muylle stated that the owner has done what was requested at the
previous meeting he does not have a problem tabling the property for another 30 days.
D. Muylle ruled: Tabled until July, 27.2023 meeting.
Demolitions Board Meeting Minutes June 22, 2023, Page 1
Case No: D2018-D009 Address: 108 S Martin Luther King Blvd.
W. Allen read the case overview sheet for the board. Alesia Flowers owner of E. M. Cannon Designs addressed the
board she stated she purchased the property in September of 2019 with COVID in spring of the next year it really
put her behind with the project. She put on a new roof roof in 2021 as well as a tear out permit both of which
passed inspection. The builder for the project submitted for a Building Permit for the remodel they were denied.
She has hired an architect, Liz Harlow to draw up the plans then they will re-submit for the Building Permit for the
D. Muylle ruled: until September 28,2023
Case No: D2023-D004 Address: 1007 Porter St.
L. Puente read the case overview sheet for the board. Attorney Elizabeth Carroll Abood is in attendance for the
owners Wilmington Savings Fund Society. Mr. Carroll Abood stated the bank hired a company to come in to clean
out the property she submitted over a hundred pictures showing the before and after of the property. Now that the
property is cleaned out the bank is bringing in someone to evaluate the project. Mr. Muylle asked if we table the
property for another 30 days will the bank have a better idea of the direction they are wanting to go. Ms. Abood
Carroll stated she hopes she will have a better idea; she has been relaying to the bank a need of a plan of action to
report to the board.
D. Muylle ruled: Tabled until July 27,2023
Case No: D2023-006 Address: 1023 Porter St.
W. Allen read the case overview sheet for the board. The owners Mr. & Mrs. Cerny are both present for the
meeting. Mr. Muylle asked the owners to update the board as to their progress. The owners stated their Building
Permit was just issued that day. Mr. Cerny informed the board that they are in the process of hiring an electrician
once that is done, they can being work. Mr. Vitale stated that have been doing what the board has requested he
thinks we should revisit the property in 60 days hopefully by that time trade permits have been issued and building
inspections have been completed.
D. Muylle ruled: Tabled until August 24,2023.
Case No: D2023-013 219 E Hazel
W. Allen read the case overview sheet for the board. This is a fire damaged property the Building and Electrical
permits have been issued. The owners of the property are present and informed the board they are getting bids from
Plumbers/Mechanical contractors. Mr. Vitale stated to the owners if they continue to make progress, we will
continue to table the property. The owner stated they hoped to have to the whole project done in 60 days their intent
is to then sell the property.
J. Vitale ruled: Tabled until August 24,2023
Demolitions Board Meeting Minutes June 22, 2023, Page 2
New Business: .
Case No: D2023-015 Address: 3738 Stoneleigh Dr.
W. Allen read the case overview sheet for the board. This property was fire damaged in 2022 the owner of record is
deceased his is estate is in probate the executor for the estate is in the process of selling the property. Robin Keene
is present for the meeting they noted to the board they are not yet the legal owner of the property they will be
closing on the property July 7,2023. The new owner is asking if the property can be tabled to give them time for the
sale to be completed then they can apply for the building and trade permits. Mr. Keene stated they have already
hired a plumber and electrician they are in the process of making a final decision on which builder to hire for the
project. Mr. Vitale stated that if they come to the next meeting with the completed drawing’s he would be willing to
table the property 60 days at the next meeting.
J. Vitale ruled: Tabled until July 27,2023.
Case No: D2023-016 Address: 204 E Potter St.
Walter Allen read the case overview sheet for the board and noted this property is not a fire damaged property.
Permits were issued or the status of waiting to be issued since March and April of this year however there have
been no inspections. The owner Rahim Aliheil is present for the meeting he noted to the board he has done the
exterior he has tried to find out what is going on the engineer needs to make corrections he has called for Siding
Permit inspections if the board would agree to table the property until the August meeting the project should be
well underway by that time.
J. Vitale ruled: Tabled until August 24,2023
Case No: D2023-017 Address: 1212 Park View Ave.
W. Allen read the case overview sheet for the board and noted this property is fire damaged. The owners of the
property are not present. Mr. Muylle stated he went by the property he agrees someone is working without permits
however they have put a lot of money and resources into the property. Mr. Muylle would like to table this property
for another 30 days and give the owners another chance to address the board.
D. Muylle ruled: Table until July 27,2023.
Case No: D2023-018 Address: 4623 Hughes Rd.
W. Allen read the case overview sheet for the board and noted the Building Permit that was issued in 2020 is
expired there have been no inspections on the property. The owners of the property are present they stated that they
had hired someone for the project they paid them a substantial amount up front and they were ripped off they have
now hired new contractors. They have the resources to continue with the project, Mr. Muylle informed the owner
he would be willing to table the property for 30 days at which time they should have their building permit issued.
D. Muylle ruled: Tabled until August 24,2023
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Case No: D2023 Address: 4918 Eastlawn Dr.
W. Allen read the case overview sheet for the board and noted this property is fire damaged a Building Permit was
issued in November of 2022 there have not been any inspections. The owner’s son Eric Thompson and the Builder
Mark Slee were in attendance for the meeting. Eric stated he stops by the property every day the work is
progressing. The building contractor stated he has put in a request for a rough inspection however the Building
Safety Department stated he cannot have a rough building inspection until all the trades have passed their
inspections. Eric Thompson stated his mother Rhea the owner has moved out of state her job has moved he is
overseeing the project for her. Mr. Thompson also turned into the board a notarized owners representation form
which was given to L. Puente to put in the file. D. Muylle stated he would be willing to table the property for 30
days at which time they should have made some progress on inspections for the project.
D. Muylle ruled: Tabled until August 24,2023
ADJOURNMENT: At 7:15 PM, J. Vitale
Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Puente Draft date: July 19,2023
Administrative Secretary
Code Enforcement Section Approved date: July 27,2023
Sent to Clerk’s Office:
City Clerk’s Office
Demolitions Board Meeting Minutes June 22, 2023, Page 4