HomeMy WebLinkAbout05- 11- 2023 Board of Public Service MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF PUBLIC SERVICE MAY 11, 2023 PRESENT: Thomas Hickson, Nancy Mahlow, Hugh McNichol, Jason Wilkes, and Ronald Wilson ABSENT: Samara Morgan STAFF:Andrew Kilpatrick, Nicole McPherson, Keith Moss, and Mitch Whisler VISITORS: None 1) CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hickson called the meeting to order at 11:31 a.m., at the City of Lansing Wastewater Treatment Plant. a. Roll Call b. Excused Absences: Samara Morgan c. Nichole McPherson, new City of Lansing Engineer, was introduced by the Director. 2) ADJUSTMENTS/APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Chair Hickson requested approval of the agenda, Mr. Wilson moved, Mr. McNichol seconded, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, to approve the agenda as submitted. 3) APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES: April 13, 2023 Chair Hickson requested approval of the minutes, Ms. Mahlow moved, Mr. Wilkes seconded, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, to approve the minutes as submitted. 4) CITIZEN COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS: None 5) ACTION ITEMS: Traffic Requests: Denied Requests - Engineer Report #18-018 Traffic Control Request: Palmer Street and Astor Avenue. Engineer Report #18-024 Traffic Control Request: Hepfer Road and Stratford Avenue Engineer Report #20-06 Traffic Control Request: Kipling Boulevard and Lasalle Gardens Traffic Investigation Report #20-07 Traffic Control Request: Deerfield Avenue and Hillcrest Street Mr. Wilson moved, Mr. Wilkes seconded, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, to approve the city recommendation to deny the requests. Approved Requests – Engineering Report #18-027 Traffic Control Request: Donald Street and Everettdale Avenue Mr. Wilson moved, Ms. Mahlow seconded, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, to approve the city recommendation of upgrading the existing yield signs to stop signs. Public Service Board Page 2 May 11, 2023 Approved Requests continued – Engineering Report #20-05 Traffic Control Request: Joshua Street & Kaynorth Road Mr. Wilson moved, Mr. McNichol seconded, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, to approve the city recommendation of installing a yield sign. Report of the Secretary #22-03 Traffic Control Request: Traffic signal Removal Study – North Grand River Avenue and Willow Street. Mr. Wilson moved, Mr. McNichol seconded, MOTION CARRIED with a 4 to 1 vote to approve the city recommendation of replacing the traffic signal with four-way stop signs. 6) REPORT OF OFFICERS: Traffic Engineering Division: A written report was distributed. Mr. Whisler gave a brief overview of the report. Discussion and questions followed. Wastewater Division: A written report was distributed. Mr. Moss gave a brief overview of the report. Discussion and questions followed. 7) DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Kilpatrick reported on the following: signal removal, budget cuts, new hiring specialist, grants, CSO, street, bridges, and sidewalk projects. 8) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Revised rules of the Board to adjust for quorum – new language was provided. The board requested it be inserted into the rules for approval at the next meeting. 9) NEW BUSINESS: OCA Ethics Training for Boards and Committees – five of the six members completed the training. Discussion of Budget Resolutions FY24/25 will begin next month. Election of Officers will be July meeting. 10)COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION ITEMS: None 11)ITEMS FOR THE SUSPENSION OF THE RULES: None 12)PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: None 13)ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 12:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Janette Tate, Recording Secretary