HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 16, 2023 Board of Police Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Approved “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 16, 2023 Location: Lansing Police Department Headquarters, 2nd Floor, 120 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48933 The Board of Police Commissioners met in regular session and the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Patty Farhat. Present: Commission Members: Brewster, Farhat, Jones, Milton and McDermitt. Excused Absences: Commissioners Abood and Lopez Motion carried to accept and excuse the absences by Commissioner Brewster and by Commissioner Jones. By vote: Yeas: 5 Nays: 0 Also Present: Chief Ellery Sosebee, Assistant City Attorney Matthew Staples, Commission Investigator Delvata Moses, and Secretary Ruth Grant. Public attendees: 3 Roll call was taken, and quorum was present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner McDermitt. A moment of silence was given to Commissioner Clyde Carnegie who passed on May 11, 2023. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS: None. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the Board meeting on April 18, 2023, were moved by Chairperson Farhat to approve and place on file. Motion carried by Commissioner Brewster with Commissioner Jones seconding the motion. By Vote: Yeas: 5 Nays: 0 EDUCATION PRESENTATION: Sgt. Kevin Schlagel, Active Violent Incident (AVI) • Sgt. Schlagel provided a historical recap from 2003 to current time for officer AVI training. • Current AVI training is a week-long training course and is FBI and State Approved. • In 2021, there are 177+ officers of Ingham and Eaton counties certified trained in AVI. “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 • LPD is continuing two sessions/month two days each for AVI training. The training is Department of Justice approved and officers have hands-on scenarios and quicker sessions. Officers are trained on how to enter facilities, take out, assist, or act as EMS. • Currently, there are 1000 citizens trained in AVI. Sgt. Schlagel provides training for schools, businesses, churches etc. as requested. A suggestion was made to have the Board also be trained. The commissioners will assist with any additional grant writing that could fund the trainings. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Chief Ellery Sosebee • Chief reflected on the passing of Commissioner Carnegie and the value to the community, schools, education, and commission he provided over the years,. • On May 8th, nine new hires were sworn in. Anticipate two additional laterals coming soon. • The budget has passed. Chief thanked all the challenging work of Commissioners Carnegie and Jones for the work they did on the budget. NEW BUSINESS: None. LEGAL AND ADVISOR REPORT: Assistant City Attorney Matthew Staples • No updates. HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT: Elizabeth O’Leary, HR Director • Central Records Principal Clerk: has been filled as of April 24, 2023. • Detention Officer: Two are in background. The third withdrew due to continuing with LPD Police Recruit sponsorship. • Police Cadet: Two pending pre-employment physicals. Scheduled to start June 2023. • Police Certified/Certifiable: Currently posted on Neogov and accepting applications. Four new hires are being vetted; three are in background and pending psychological evaluations. One pending pre- employment physical that’s delayed due to an injury. • Police Recruits: 18 applicants sent to background lasted to start the Mid-Michigan Police Academy in August 2023. Twelve additional applicants sent to background to start with Battle Creek Police Academy August 2023. • Secretary 26: Currently, a contracted employee covers this position until June 30th. Position will need to be reclassified. • New social worker will begin on May 22nd. The Social Work Unit will now have one supervisor and three social workers. UNFINISHED BUSNESS: None. CORRESPONDANCE SENT AND RECEIVED: None. “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Moved by Chairperson Farhat to accept and place on file the 2023 April departmental reports. Motion carried by Commissioner Brewster and seconded by Commissioner Jones. By Vote: Yeas: 5 Nays: 0 BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS: • Budget Committee: No report. • Government Liaison Committee: No report • Awards & Incentives Committee: The Awards Banquet was on May 11th and was one of the biggest yet. Good to hear all the outstanding work LPD has been doing within the year. • Ad Hoc Committee on Board Policies and Rules: No report. • Complaint Committee: The committee will have a virtual meeting on May 18th. • Recruitment and Hiring Committee: None. • Commission Investigator Delvata Moses: For the month of April 2023, there were five complaints received. Three were closed and none was forwarded to the Chief for review for the matrix. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: • Commissioner Brewster: Condolences to the Carnegie family. For the time they worked together on the Board, Commissioner Brewster learned a lot from Commissioner Carnegie. • Commissioner Jones: Dr. Carnegie was his high school principal and was very influential in Commissioner Jones’ life. • Commissioner McDermitt: Condolences to the Carnegie family. He was a strong figure and pillar in the community. • Commissioner Milton: He concurs with all said about Commissioner Carnegie. He too had a long legacy with Carnegie and honors the legacy. • Commissioner Farhat: Concurs with all over the death of Commissioner Carnegie. She attended the most recent swearing in of new officers and was very impressed with the number who had military service. OTHER BUSINESS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: • Daniel Arnold – He remembered Commissioner Carnegie and his positive attitude and for education. Arnold suggested LPD have a welcome booth set up in Reutter Park to talk to the homeless after the recent shooting. • Norma Bauer – Appreciated the educational presentation. Requests commissioners to speak up during meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Farhat concluded by thanking everyone and moved to adjourn the meeting; motion to adjourn at 6:11 pm. Submitted by Ruth Grant, Recording Secretary, Lansing Board of Police Commissioners.