HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 21, 2023 Board of Police Commissioners Minutes - Aproved “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Location: Gier Park Community Center, 2400 Hall St., Lansing, MI 48906 The Board of Police Commissioners met in regular session and the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Patty Farhat. Present: Commission Members: Brewster, Carnegie, Farhat, Jones, Lopez and Milton. Excused Absence: Commissioners Abood and McDermitt Motion carried to accept and excuse the absences by Commissioner Jones and seconded by Commissioner Carnegie. By Vote: Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 Also Present: Assistant Chief Rob Backus, Assistant City Attorney Matthew Staples, HR Director Elizabeth O’Leary, Delvata Moses, and Ruth Grant. Public attendees: 3 Roll call was taken, and quorum was present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Brewster. A moment of silence was given to the three MSU students killed and five critically injured by the tragic incident at Michigan State University on February 13, 2023. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS: None. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board meeting minutes from January 17, 2023, were moved by Chairperson Farhat to approve and place on file. Motion carried by Commissioner Brewster with Commissioner Carnegie seconding the motion. By Vote: Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 EDUCATION PRESENTATION: Violent Crimes Detective Matthew Salmon • Salmon appreciates all the support the Board gives to the police department. • The detectives and analysts participate in various task forces with outside jurisdictions to discuss trends and exchange information. “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 • For the violent crimes unit, the detectives are assisted by the VCI unit (Violent Crimes Initiative), CSI (Crime Scene Investigations) and the crime analysts to achieve a success rate on closing their cases. • He described the process of investigating any case within the Detective Unit as triaging cases, obtaining leads, utilizing resources inside LPD and outside to help investigate cases. All deaths are investigated also by a detective. Approximately 24 LPD detectives and three MSP troopers make up the Investigations Unit. The social workers are also very beneficial also to the department. • Salmon explained how detectives establish a face-to-face relationship with at least one family member to be able to communicate updates or progress on cases with. • He credits the good leadership of LPD and the Detective Unit that allow the detectives to receive special training to help better investigation skills. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Chief Rob Backus • The nine recruits at the Mid-Michigan Academy are doing well and will graduate in May. • Officer John Cosme retired after 25 years of service. Cosme served on Patrol and Special Operations. • The recruiting efforts has been successful, and LPD/HR has received may applications. • Regarding the MSU Active Shooter Incident, this was not withiin our jurisdiction. LPD responded via mutual aid and MSU-PD are taking the investigation lead with assistance from MSP. Approximately 93+ officers responded to the incident; this included on-duty/off-duty officers and those on vacation who reported. He is very proud of the LPD officers, analysts and social workers who responded. NEW BUSINESS: None. LEGAL AND ADVISOR REPORT: Assistant City Attorney Matthew Staples • No report. HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT: Elizabeth O’Leary, HR Director • Central Records Principal Clerk: 1 vacancy. Seven candidates will be invited for interviews which will be scheduled the week of February 27, 2023. • Detention Officer: 2 female vacancies; candidates (male and female) currently at job shadow step • FOIA Analyst: One vacancy; position will be filled as of February 20, 2023. • Police Cadet: Two pending psychological evaluations. Scheduled to start June 2023. • Police Officer Certified/Certifiable: Currently posted on Neogov and accepting applications, screening, and routing to hiring managers for review. Two new hires started January 30, 2023. Three interviews conducted February 2, 2023, and February 13, 2023 (currently in background). • Police Recruits (Sponsorship): Currently posted on Neogov and accepting applications from February 6 – March 6, 2023. Currently, reviewing and routing new applications for considerations. Interviews tentatively scheduled for week of March 20, 2023. • Radio Technician: 1 vacancy; received second recommended candidates background investigation report will be sent to HRD and/or chief for review. “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 • Secretary 26 Status: 1 vacancy. Currently Janelle Berry is in the position on contract until 2/28/2023 (contract will be extended until end of FY – June 30, 2023). Position will be reclassed and will be sent to Segal. • The new collective bargaining agreement has helped to get more interest into applying and joining LPD. UNFINISHED BUSNESS: None. CORRESPONDANCE SENT AND RECEIVED: None. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Moved by Chairperson Farhat to accept and place on file the December 20, 2022, departmental reports. Motion was carried by Commissioner Brewster and seconded by Commissioner Jones. By Vote: Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 Moved by Chairperson Farhat to accept and place on file the January 17, 2023, departmental monthly reports. Motion carried by Commissioner Brewster and seconded by Commissioner Jones. By Vote: Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS: • Budget Committee: No updates on the submitted budget at this time. • Government Liaison Committee: Committee will work on a format for disclosing the departmental monthly report information to City Council. • Awards & Incentives Committee: The committee met on January 26th to review reports. Another meeting is upcoming soon. • Ad Hoc Committee on Board Policies and Rules: No report. • Complaint Committee: Chairperson Farhat reported the committee met on January 25th and had a good meeting. • Recruitment and Hiring Committee: No additional report from that provided in the HR section above. • Commission Investigator Delvata Moses: For the month of January 2023, there were six complaints received. Six complaints were closed, and one was forwarded to the Chief for review. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: • Commissioner Brewster: Thank you to all LPD staff for all their hard work responding to the MSU Active Shooter incident. • Commissioner Carnegie: He thanked Chief Sosebee for his immediate response stating his expectations and directives regarding the community policing in the officer involved shooting last month. Thank you for the rapid response to MSU and would also like to suggest a moment of silence for our officers who put their lives on the line every day protecting each of us and our city. “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 • Commissioner Milton: Concur with Commissioners Brewster and Carnegie. There was a massive response at Okemos High School the week prior too. This speaks highly of the Lansing Police Department to support another jurisdiction and our professionalism in an incident like this. • Commissioner Jones: No other comment, • Commissioner Farhat: She concurred with Commissioner Milton. OTHER BUSINESS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: • Daniel Arnold – Appreciates LPD and police work is important to him as anyone who puts themselves in harm’s way to protect others. Daniel requested some “swag” items to hand out to promote LPD. • Deborah Mulvaney – Suggested reorganizing the agenda to have public comment first. Suggested having community policing concept throughout Lansing and not in pointed areas. She believes the 60-day requirement to issue a complaint is too short and should be greater. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Farhat concluded by thanking everyone and moved to adjourn the meeting; motion to adjourn at 6:40 pm. Submitted by Ruth Grant, Recording Secretary, Lansing Board of Police Commissioners.