HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-10-2022 Planning Board Special MeetingLANSING PLANNING BOARD Special Meeting November 10, 2022 - 6:30 p.m. Neighborhood Empowerment Center 600 W Maple Street, Lansing, MI [There was no quorum at the November 1, 2022 regular meeting] MINUTES – Approved 12/6/2022 1.OPENING SESSION Mr. Ruge called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. a. Present: Katie Alexander, Tony Cox, Monte Jackson, Thomas Morgan, & John Ruge b. Absent: Farhan Bhatti (excused), Josh Hovey (excused), Marta Cerna c. Staff: Sue Stachowiak, Andy Fedewa, Alec Malvetis (Public Service) Ms. Jackson made a motion, seconded by Ms. Alexander to grant excused absences to Mr. Hovey and Dr. Bhatti. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – The agenda was approved without objection. 3. COMMUNICATIONS – Copies of the following email were provided to the Planning Board: Email from Ian Graham in opposition to SLU-2-2022 Email from Flo Baerren in opposition to SLU-2-2022 4. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None 5. BUSINESS A. Consent Items (1) Minutes for approval: October, 4 2022 The minutes from the October 4, 2022, Planning Board meeting were approved without objection B. Old Business (1) SLU-2-2022, 340 E Edgewood Blvd., Special Land Use permit for a Self-Storage Rental Facility Ms. Stachowiak stated that this is a request by Juniper II, LLC for a Special Land Use permit to allow the building at 340 E. Edgewood Blvd. to be used for a self-storage rental facility. The property is zoned “S-C” Suburban Commercial, which zoning district permits self-storage, as a special land use. Ms. Stachowiak said that the applicant’s proposal includes reserving two 6,800 square feet suites at the northwest corner of the building for commercial use. The proposal also includes reducing the amount of impervious surface by converting a significant amount of the parking lot into green space as depicted on the renderings in the meeting packet. Ms. Stachowiak said that the issue is whether self-storage is an appropriate use of the property at 340 E. Edgewood, from a land use standpoint only. She said that the City Zoning Ordinance and the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act outline specific criteria that Andy Schor Mayor Planning Board Minutes November 10, 2022 Page 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________ must be used when evaluating special land use permit requests and the decision as to whether to grant the permit must be based strictly on whether the request complies with that criteria. Ms. Stachowiak said that the issue of how much self-storage already exists is not relevant and not a factor to be considered in the decision. Ms. Stachowiak stated that staff is recommending approval of the request for a special land use permit to utilize the building at 340 E. Edgewood Blvd. for a self-storage rental business, based on the findings of fact described in the staff report, with the following conditions: * The two 6,800 square foot suites shown the attached plans at the northwest corner of the building are to be reserved for commercial uses that are permitted by right in the “S-C” Suburban Commercial zoning district; and * At least 20% of the existing parking lot is to be converted to green space (note: this will require approval of a plan showing the area to be converted and how it impacts the layout of the parking lot). Mr. Morgan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Alexander, to recommend approval of SLU-2-2022, 340 E Edgewood Blvd., Special Land Use Permit for a Self-Storage Rental Facility with the conditions that: Two 6,800 square foot suites inside the building are reserved for commercial uses that are permitted by right in the “SC” Suburban Commercial zoning district; and At least 20% of the existing parking lot is to be converted to green space, subject to site plan approval. Mr. Jackson asked staff to speak to Ian Graham’s concerns about the expected reduced customer traffic in this area due to the proposed development. Ms. Stachowiak replied that, while Mr. Graham made some very good points, the concern remains that it is highly unlikely that a “better” use will come forward any time soon and the self-storage and the two commercial suites will produce their own customer demands. Currently there is no customer traffic because the site has been vacant for so long. Mr. Cox expressed concern about allowing a non-trip generating, non-customer-oriented business on a site that is located along a major commercial corridor where it is easily accessible to the expressway I-96 and is adjacent to other active retail, restaurant and entertainment uses that are succeeding. Mr. Cox stated that the location should be considered in a different viewpoint within the Special Land Use permit criteria. Mr. Ruge asked if the applicant would be open to converting a larger portion of the parking surface to greenspace. Ms. Stachowiak and the applicant replied that they wanted to be mindful of the two future commercial suites and the number of parking spaces those businesses may require. Mr. Ruge requested a friendly amendment to the motion that the condition for greenspace include low-impact and green infrastructure design elements primarily in the form of bio- swales or rain gardens that filter and clean the water as it absorbs into the ground. Planning Board Minutes November 10, 2022 Page 3 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mr. Morgan and Ms. Alexander accepted the friendly amendment from Mr. Ruge. On a roll call vote, the motion, as amended, carried 4-1. Mr. Cox cast the dissenting vote. C. New Business (1) Act-7-2022, Acquisition of Easement for Sidewalk, 0 Par Place Mr. Malvetis stated this application was submitted by the Public Service Department to facilitate the installation of a section of sidewalk. The subject property lies along Hullett Road at the intersection with Carnoustie Drive. The property is within an agreement for conditional transfer of property, commonly referred to as a 425 Agreement, and has come to be commonly called the “College Fields” development. The proposed easement will facilitate the construction of a length of sidewalk approximately 71 feet long that will complete the missing section along Carnoustie Drive, while avoiding an existing lamp post. The extent of the easement is confined to the southwest corner of the subject parcel, 20 feet north of the corner, and 29.25 feet west of the corner, for a triangle-shaped piece of land roughly 344.2 square feet. Mr. Morgan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Alexander to recommend approval of Act- 7-2022, Acquisition of Easement for Sidewalk, 0 Par Place, as proposed. On a voice vote the motion carried 5-0. (2) Discussion regarding attendance at meetings The Planning Board decided to discuss this matter at a future meeting. 6. REPORT FROM PLANNING MANAGER - None 7. COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIRPERSON - None 8. COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS - None 9. PENDING ITEMS: FUTURE ACTION REQUIRED - None 10. ADJOURNMENT – Mr. Ruge adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m.