HomeMy WebLinkAbout3-15-2022 Employees Retirement SystemOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF
Regular Meeting March 15, 2022
10th Floor City Council Conference Room Tuesday, 9:39 a.m.
The Board was called to order at 9:39 a.m. and met in Joint Session with the Police and
Fire Retirement System Board.
Present: ERS: Bahr, Carrigan, Dedic (10:00), Ebright, Garza, Kirkland, Kraus, D.
Parker, Sanchez-Gazella, Schor –10
Absent: 0
Police and Fire: Kirkland, Moore, Schor, Taylor, C. Wilcox, R. Wilcox, Wohlfert, Wood -
Others: Karen E. Williams, Human Resources Department; Attorney Aaron Castle,
(legal counsel); George Tarlas, Asset Consulting Group (via phone).
Mr. Tarlas reviewed the Russian investment within the Employees’ Retirement System
Attorney Castle indicated that he could draft a resolution regarding divesting in current
Russia investments and prohibiting future investment.
It was moved by Trustee Wood and supported by Trustee Wilcox to have legal counsel
draft a resolution regarding Russian investment divestiture.
Adopted by the following vote unanimous
It was moved by Trustee Kraus and supported by Trustee Sanchez-Gazella to have
legal counsel draft a resolution regarding Russian investment divestiture.
Adopted by the following vote: unanimous
The Joint meeting ended 9:56.
The Employees’ Retirement System meeting resumed a 10:00 a.m.
It was moved by Trustee Bahr and supported by Trustee Carrigan to approve the
Official Minutes of the Joint Employees’ Retirement System Board and the Police and
Fire Retirement System Board Meeting of February 15, 2022, with amendments.
Employees’ Retirement System
Regular Meeting of March 15, 2022
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Trustee Carrigan wanted his comments regarding the Board adding private equity and
private debt added to the minutes. Trustee Carrigan added that he thought adding
private equity was important and would like to keep the topic on the agenda, to discuss
further with the investment consultant and actuary.
Adopted by the following vote: unanimous
Trustee Kraus indicated that comments should be done during the public comments
Attorney Castle suggested that there should be a section for Trustee comments toward
the end of the agenda. Trustee Parker requested that Trustee comments be placed
after other business.
There were no public comments.
Secretary’s Report:
2 new member(s), 0 reinstatement(s), 0 refund(s), 0 transfers, 0 retired. Total active
membership: 492. Total deferred: 75. 5 death(s) Vilo Acker (Parks – UAW, retired
1/4/1997), died 2/14/2022, age 80, no surviving beneficiary; Robert Goodsell (Parks -
Teamster, retired 12/18/1980), died 2/12/2022, age 90, surviving spouse to receive
50%; Donald F. Magyar (Public Service -UAW, retired 5/1/1995), died 2/1/2022, age 84,
Spouse to receive 50%; Dayne K. Miller (Public Service, retired 11/15/2013), died
12/19/2021, age 73, surviving spouse to receive 100%; Jeffery Mills (Finance - UAW,
retired 10/1/2013), died 12/22/2021, age 69, . Refunds made since the last regular
meeting amounted to $0.00. Retirement allowances paid for the month of February
2022, amounted to $2,032,408.80. Total retirement checks printed for the ERS System:
943. Total Retirement checks printed for both systems: 1713. Eligible domestic relations
orders received: 0. Domestic relations orders pending: 1. Eligible domestic relations
orders certified: 0.
It was moved by Trustee Bahr and supported by Trustee Ebright to approve the
following Request for Regular Age and Service Retirement:
Michele Rachel (Public Service -UAW), 19 years, 10 months of service credits,
age 62, effective April 1, 2022
Adopted by the following vote: unanimous
The medical reports for duty disability Applicant #2022 – E0118 and Applicant #2021 -
E1108 have been received and the requests have been forwarded to Dr. Roth for an
appointment for evaluation.
Employees’ Retirement System
Regular Meeting of March 15, 2022
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The medical reports for non-duty disability for Applicant #2022-E0118 have been
received and has been forwarded to Dr. Roth for an appointment for evaluation.
There were no requests for refund of accumulated contributions.
Karen Williams reported to trustees that Asset Consulting Group Due Diligence Visit
would be April 7-8 in St. Louis Missouri.
Karen Williams reported to trustees that the MAPERS Spring Conference would be held
May 21-24 in Acme, Michigan.
Karen Williams provided retirement board March invoices (Income Research +
Management, TRowe Price) for approval in accordance with the new authorized
signer’s policy.
It was moved by Trustee Dedic and supported by Trustee Kraus to pay the March
invoices for the Employees’ Retirement System.
Adopted by the following vote: unanimous
Attorney Castle updated the Employees’ Retirement System Board on the proposed
amendments to the Board’s Contract with Tegrit that was sent on February 21, 2022.
Attorney Castle summarized the amendments: clarified that the agreement may be
terminated by the Board, at will, upon 30 days advance written notice; required quarterly
reporting from Tegrit detailing the status of all support services performed; established a
5-year term of contract (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2026) during which time the fees charged by
Tegrit shall not be increased no more than 3% annually.
Attorney Castle updated the Securities Fraud Monitoring Services and the Board
Policies and Procedures. Attorney Castle has been working to finalize the agreements
approved by the board.
Attorney Castle reviewed that the Special projects sub-committee continues to meet
and review recommended policies and procedures as well as updates and amendments
to the Retirement Ordinances and the Boards’ existing policies. The subcommittee
plans to update disability retirement policy and procedures and discussed a Reciprocal
Retirement Act policy.
Attorney Castle discussed House Bill 5054 that was passed by the Michigan Hose of
Representative on March 1 and has been referred to the Senate Committee on
Appropriations. Applicable sections of HB 5054 provide for the availability of up to $1.15
billion in grant awards to local units of government. Attorney Castle reviewed the two
grants: Local Unit Municipal Pension Principal Payment Grant and Pension Best
Practices and Debt Reduction Grant Program.
Employees’ Retirement System
Regular Meeting of March 15, 2022
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Trustee Parker indicated that some of the requirements for the grants included uniform
actuarial assumptions, and collective bargaining agreements
Attorney Castle updated the Employees’ Retirement System Board regarding Mr. Oscar
Mazuca’s request to change his pension beneficiary. Attorney Castle opined that Mr.
Mazuca is not permitted to change his designated survivor beneficiary. It was
acknowledged that waiver language contained in his Judgement of Divorce could be
honored. Attorney indicated that he spoke with the retirement office and past practice of
the retirement system was not to permit such waivers after retirement.
Attorney Castle recommended that the retirement system require a written waiver in
addition to the Judgement of Divorce.
It was moved by Trustee Kraus and supported by Trustee Bart to have legal counsel
draft a waiver that would be notarized for Mr. Mazuca’s spouse to sign.
Adopted by the following vote: unanimous
Attorney Abood requested and was granted permission to provide comments for the
Board’s consideration. Attorney Abood commented that City Attorney has reviewed
the Securities Fraud Monitoring and Litigation policy and stated there was no problem
securities monitoring portion of the policy and is appropriate. The City Attorney opined
that the City Charter 406, sections 5,6, and 7 requires that before any litigation is
undertaken, that it is approved by the City Attorney. The policy that was adopted at the
February meeting would violate the City Charter in the City Attorney’s opinion.
Attorney Abood reported to the Employees’ Retirement Board regarding the liability
exposure for trustees of the Board. Attorney Abood agreed with Attorney Castle’s
analysis that there is exposure for Board members who breach their fiduciary
responsibility. Attorney Abood indicated that as part of the Charter, there was some
coverage under budget policy. Attorney Abood reviewed a recent litigation regarding a
retirement board. The City Attorney has recommended that the Retirement Boards
procure insurance for the Board Trustees. The expense for insurance would be an
allowable and appropriate for the Retirement Board.
Attorney Abood indicated that there was a distinction between City Attorney and
Board’s legal counsel. Attorney Abood indicated that if the Board is following the City
Attorney opinion, there is a level of protection that is not there if the Board uses outside
counsel. The Board cannot breach its fiduciary liability if it is following the City
Attorney’s advice. With outside counsel and there is a breach, liability exposure
becomes significant because the City Attorney is not providing the advice.
Employees’ Retirement System
Regular Meeting of March 15, 2022
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Attorney Castle recommended fiduciary liability insurance and indicated that the Board
had a presentation from Union Services. Trustee Carrigan disclosed that he worked
with and received some type of compensation from Union Services. Attorney Castle
indicated there may be a perceived conflict of interest.
Attorney Abood stated that an opinion had been drafted, but the issue raised by the
retirement boards has broadened to other Boards and the City Attorney wanted to
review the liability prior to issuing the opinion.
Trustee Dedic inquired how would a member know if he or she is not following the City
Attorney’s advice and if City employees and officials covered under the City Policy
Attorney Abood indicated that if there was a City Attorney opinion contrary to the
Board’s legal counsel, then the members would have liability exposure if the member
did not follow the City Attorney’s advice. Attorney Abood recommended that liability
exposure would be for members regarding their actions as Board members and
recommended that each member have fiduciary liability insurance.
Attorney Kirkland stated that in the Boards have requested legal counsel in a previous
meeting for a listing of fiduciary liability insurance companies for the Boards to review.
Karen Williams reported that the Finance Department reported that on February 22,
2022, $322,071.65 was transferred by the City of Lansing to the Employees Retirement
System for the Net Employee Contribution for the period 10/1/2021 thru 12/31/2021.
It was moved by Trustee Kraus and supported by Trustee Sanchez-Gazella to accept
the FY 2022 Employees’ Retirement System Net Employee Contribution.
Trustee Parker inquired why the contributions are not sent directly to the Employees’
Retirement System instead of sitting in the General Fund until it is moved quarterly.
Adopted by the following vote: 8 -0
Karen Williams reported to the Employees’ Retirement System that the Finance
Department would send a memo regarding the transfer of contributions from ERS to
Attorney Kirkland indicated that Mr. Schnarowske was not aware that there was a
contribution made annually to the VEBA.
Karen Williams reviewed the Joint meeting, that the Russian exposure within the
Employees’ Retirement System was very low. Mr. George Tarlas, Asset Consulting
Group, indicated that small Russian investments were a part of collective funds and did
not recommend terminating the collective funds.
The Board voted to have legal counsel draft a resolution regarding Russian investment
Karen Williams reviewed the monthly investment report for the month ending March 31,
Trustee Carrigan announced that he planned to resign his membership as trustee from
the Board.
The meeting ended at 10:43 a.m.
Minutes approved on __4/19/2022________ ________________________
Desiree Kirkland, Secretary
Employees’ Retirement System
Dennis R. Parker, Chairperson
Employees’ Retirement System