HomeMy WebLinkAbout3-10-2022 Board of Public ServiceREGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF PUBLIC SERVICE MARCH 10, 2022 PRESENT: Thomas Hickson, John Krohn, Nancy Mahlow, Samara Morgan, Walter Sorg, Jason Wilkes, and Kris Young ABSENT: Ronald Wilson STAFF:Andrew Kilpatrick, and Keith Moss VISITORS: None 1) CALL TO ORDER: Chair Morgan called the meeting to order at 11:32 a.m., at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. a. Roll Call b. Excused Absences: Ronald Wilson 2) ADJUSTMENTS/APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Chair Morgan requested approval of the agenda, Mr. Sorg asked for an addition to the agenda, Mr. Wilkes moved, Mr. Hickson seconded, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, to approve the agenda, with the addition. 3) APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES: February 10, 2021 Chair Morgan requested approval of the minutes, Ms. Mahlow moved, Mr. Wilkes seconded, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, to approve the minutes for February 10, 2021, as submitted. 4) CITIZEN COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS: None 5) ACTION ITEMS: None 6) REPORT OF OFFICERS: Traffic Engineering Division: A written report was distributed. Director Kilpatrick gave a brief overview of the report. Discussion and questions followed. Motion to approve traffic reports moved by Mr. Hickson, second by Mr. Sorg MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY to approve submitted Traffic Reports as submitted. Public Service Board Page 2 March 10, 2022 Wastewater Division: A written report was distributed. Mr. Moss gave a brief overview of the report. Discussion and questions followed. 7) DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Kilpatrick reported on the following: fuel costs and dispersion among departments, PASER rating improvement, budget to be submitted, sewer separation projects, cost increases on currently planned projects, Montgomery Drain project portion to be re-bid in spring due to high costs, vacancies Department wide, vehicle costs and discussion of electric vehicles for fleet, public charging facilities. 8) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Snow Ordinance and clarifying details 9) NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sorg discussed temporary suspension of Michigan gas tax, proposed Chair Samara Morgan submit letter to City Council. Mr. Sorg moved, Mr. Krohn seconded, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10)COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION ITEMS: None 11)ITEMS FOR THE SUSPENSION OF THE RULES: None 12)PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: None 13)ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 12:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Michelle Smalley, Recording Secretary