HomeMy WebLinkAbout5-17-2022 Board of Police Commissioners “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 17, 2022 Location: Lansing Police Department Headquarters, 120 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48933 The Board of Police Commissioners met in regular session and meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Chairperson Patty Farhat. Present: Commission Members Abood, Brewster, Farhat, Jones, Lopez, McDermitt and Milton. Excused Commissioner Carnegie. (Commissioner Carnegie was able to attend after the meeting began). Possible Absence By Vote: Yeas: 7 Nays: None Also Present: Chief Ellery Sosebee, Assistant City Attorney Mary Bowen, CI Delvata Moses, and Ruth Grant. Public attendees: 3 Roll call was taken, and quorum was present. Chairperson Farhat asked for a moment of silence for the tragic deaths of those in Lansing, Adrian Payne, and across the country. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Brewster. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS: None. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: The addition to the agenda was to discuss updating the Lansing Police website with information of the Commission Investigator to the Board of Police Commissioners page. Motion was made to place item onto the agenda, moved by Commissioner Lopez and seconded by Commissioner Brewster. Yeas to approve: 7 Nays: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board meeting minutes from April 19, 2022, were moved by Chair Farhat to approve and place on file. Motion carried by Commissioner Brewster with Commissioner Jones seconding the motion. Yeas: 7 Nays: None. “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 EDUCATION PRESENTATION: None. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Chief Ellery Sosebee • Social media for LPD has changed to include more information on upcoming events and for the public to see the good work officers are doing in the community. The LPD social media is now being handled by Officer Dave Dalen. Ofc. Dalen recently came from Los Angeles Police Department where he handled the social media and public information platforms. Public reviews for the new social media has been very positive and has have led to an increase in inquiries for recruitment and hiring. • PIO Director, Bob Merritt retired on May 13th after a long career with Lansing Police. Chief hopes to have this position filled soon. Until filled, the Chief and Captains will handle all media relations. • Budget – City Council passed the budget at their regular meeting on May 16th. This will include positions for an assistant chief, an additional social worker, and a civilian front desk clerk at Headquarters Central Records. Having a front desk clerk will provide the cadets the opportunity to explore law enforcement and prepare them for the academy. • May 9th, seven new officers were sworn in and two more will be sworn in on May 19th for a total of 9. This new group off officers received outstanding praises and standings at the academy. • The Social Work Unit now has three social workers; one supervisor and two social workers. • Chief thanked Daniel Arnold for distributing shirts at a recent event. NEW BUSINESS: • Discussion was made to add to the page of the Board of Police Commissioners on the city website information about Ms. Delvata Moses and her position as Commission Investigator. Motion made by Commissioner Melvin and seconded by Commissioners Brewster and Jones. Yeas: 7 Nays: None. LEGAL AND ADVISOR REPORT: Assistant City Attorney Mary Bowen • No report. She thanked LPD for their hard work with recent cases and appreciate their responsiveness. HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT: Reported by Commissioner McDermitt • Detention Unit: One female and one male vacancy; interviews were held 4/26. One female and one male are currently in background process. • FOIA Analyst: One vacancy; posted from 5/16/22 – 5/27/22 • Police Officer Certified/Certifiable: Currently posted on Neogov, accepting applications, screening and routing to hiring managers for review. • Police Recruits: Position currently posted and interviews will be for the January 2023 Academy. For the August 2022 Academy, 8 have passed background process and are pending psychological evaluations results. • Cadets: two potential new hires. • Two new social workers hired: Amber Tenuis (5/2/2022) and Melissa Misner (4/25/2022) • Radio Technician: One vacancy; candidate in background step. “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 UNFINISHED BUSNESS: None. CORRESPONDANCE SENT AND RECEIVED: None. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Moved by Chairperson Farhat to accept and place on file the April 2022 department reports. Motion carried by Commissioner Lopez and seconded by Commissioner McDermitt.. BOARD COMMITTEE REPOTS: • Budget Committee: Commissioner Jones – No report. • Government/Community Liaison Committee: The committee met on 4/20/2022 with the Chief about creating a report to the community through Public Safety. He feels the department monthly report has good information and would like to see this shared outside the department. Chief will speak to OCA for their input. • Awards & Incentives Committee: Commissioner Brewster – No updates. • Ad Hoc Committee on Board Policies and Rules: Commissioner McDermitt - No updates. • Complaint Committee: Chair Farhat – Sgt. Hughett has rotated out of Internal Affairs and is not with the Detention Unit. Sgt. Kris Doer will be assigned to Internal Affairs starting 5/21/2022. • Recruitment and Hiring Committee: Commissioner McDermitt – Human Resources report already presented. Per Commissioner Lopez, an LPD recruitment table will be set up at the Cristo Rey Fiesta on Memorial Day Weekend. With the new change and direction of LPD social media, there has been a significant number of job applications for police officer received. • Commission Investigator Delvata Moses: For month of April: o 3 citizen complaints received; one handled through IA and 2 received through her office. Four citizen complaints were closed. One citizen complaint forwarded to Chief to apply the Disciplinary Matrix. o Ms. Moses explained her many duties to HRCS and to the Board of Police Commissioners and process of complaint process. Ms. Moses requested the website for the Board of Commissioners include her information. A motion was then made to update the city website page for the Lansing Board of Police Commissioners to include the information and links to the Commission Investigator and filing a complaint. Motion made by Commissioner McDermitt and seconded by Commissioners Brewster and Jones. Yeas: 7 Nays: None. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: • Commissioner Abood: No comment. • Commissioner Brewster: No comment. • Commissioner Carnegie: Complemented the Chief for the low juvenile arrests this past month. He spoke to the court administrator who pointed out that numerous police agencies have adopted programs “Capital City’s Finest” Lansing Police Department Board of Police Commissioners 120 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-6040 Fax: (517) 483-4617 with alternatives to arresting juveniles. Carnegie suggested LPD look into these programs and report back to the Board the findings. He thanked the Chief for his leadership in addressing ways to reduce the number of juvenile arrests in Lansing. • Commissioner Jones: No comment. • Commissioner Milton: No comment. • Commissioner Lopez: He handed out a suggestion of reporting complaint statistics. Cristo Rey Fiesta will be May 27-29th. On the 29th there will be a salute to all military after the mass at 11:00. • Chairperson Farhat: Thanked Chief for the May 9th swearing in. It was a very well attended event. OTHER BUSINESS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: • Daniel Arnold – Thanked LPD and the Commission for all their efforts. He thanked Ruth Grant for making sure the brochures are well supplied at Headquarters lobby. He complimented the new social media changes and liked the idea that LPD will have a hiring table at the Cristo Rey Fiesta. Chief Sosebee complimented and thanked Daniel for handing out shirts to kids at a recent youth event to help build support for LPD. He would like to see improvements made policy on victim rights and communications with victims. • Diane Streeter – She spoke of a verse, “Stop, Look, Hear and See” and spoke of victim rights to improve. • Willard Walker: Gave a special invitation to the Commission to attend the Diversity, Equality, Inclusion reception which will take place June 8th from 4:30-6:30 pm in the City Hall lobby. The direction of Mayor Schor’s next plan will be presented at that time. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Farhat concluded by thanking everyone and made a motion to adjourn at 6:32 pm and seconded by Commissioner Milton. Yeas: 8 Nays: None. Submitted by Ruth Grant, Recording Secretary, Lansing Board of Police Commissioners.