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Mt. Hope Section N (PDF)
p.. r. Jd'n• n�.n iteo mg ��! • ii RE •'�,7 G",. Row D-38 - Fredrick S. Wilson a d rum �'�• tail YIr. !Ai :T e:o i°Oj u.0 5.IL >v :,,i,9 :a7� i.m ar.u- eau. Ai. ran ■emu. of ii::. rrr•• s #326-Mkr-Antonino Machi a® l��I® DIM �� 20-O`Brien it " 1 "HI Eli Waldron iji f,,,1® ®® ®® #308-Fabiano - "Lady" ��299-Novello 1 ®® lae•1 ,,, ®® ,,, ® #293-Montgomery #285-Stawski �l s `--� II Hi\ ,,,•1 2a`?e azi In #292-Beaubien l 11111 ®® RI ��275-Miller #267-Elsener gl li ilx'^11'"1 ®® ®® : no ®® In mu #257-Grost ®® ®® ® 'ax ®® III. CI #256- Cooper �® _� I 1� ®® ME® #236-Dyer/Silsbee au A„ i•i ��245-D'Valentina ® ,2. ® ®® ®® l„ 's #235-Letzau A3=+ LAN EH a,°, ,.,, sr] E #214-Randall - "Tree Trunk" - A® ,., a•� I1>.1 ,., 1>.,II'" a�• ® 1'•.1a7. #213-Young #201-Culham U RIM OE IBM ME 178-Johnson ® `v rill " gam imiiii E, .177-Corr. Q ,i ® l,7sl 174 ,,,. ® 1,»ll,'. 1 ®® ® „` #167-Cahill ® ®� OF #165-Morrissey 154-Perfitt E ®® [ "• "' ,,, 1,4,..1 '+'`E #140-Shields ® ® 7 ®E #139-Van Fleet - "Stump w/book" 126-Alton al„s1 ® ,y• ® ®® ", ®I"`1 1„s1i+ #114-Malloy / �a All 1,,,11 ,,11,,,1a ®® _ Cleary 0 ��11 -Rommelaere/Cadwell fi102-Thorne �•�#80/99- _.® 1,..10 �, ❑(9s s, sa` I Iu CI s� s• Q #90-Smith Baker =, ., o, as f 1 +, •• 1"IP �fgg-Mkr-George Menard © ,r L ro ODn " „ ,� n 16' 11611 c6 ss 64) #64—Kelley T. �S ' E sz s31 s4 ss sc s7 1 i En al ss #63-Geissler #50-Guggemos\El 441 47 " . 4s 1141 431 4a DO ��40-O'Connor ]c ,I 34 3�, ®ID D0 1 J7I 3° » #38-Foster E2 LEI 1] 11 bill F #20-Safer a� ❑❑ 1I UD #18-Crotty ��11-CuL�ly �i ,s, i3 �9 ,s �e �� it ,o '[] Ld 61 D #6-Hayes MT. HOPE CEMETERY al ❑D in-Hamill �T #1-McMullen ��jj -Herron SECT. l� #2-Fitzpatrick Q V